Quality Over Quantity

It’s better to approach health by choosing 1 habit and doing it really well than trying to change 10 habits at once in the attempt of an overnight make-over to reach a finish line that doesn’t exist.

Have you ever heard the saying:

Choose two:
Fast + cheap = poor quality
Quality + fast = expensive
Cheap + quality = slow

The same goes for your health. We could try and push our health journey into full speed but ultimately it’s going to end up either poor quality or expensive.

Example One:

Trying to add heaps of new habits all at once like drinking more water, eating five servings of vegetables, eating breakfast, reading, daily workouts and less fast food, is likely to result in failure as big changes go against our natural instincts. It’s also likely that you will be too scattered to really nail all of these new habits after work and family responsibilities.

Example Two:

Quality is a step in the right direction, however, still attempting to get it all done as fast as you can, can end up expensive. If you go organic, grass fed, toxin free, drink bone broth and get a gym membership all at once, it may take a stab to your finances.

I’ve learnt the hard way, trying to do anything too quickly never ends well. It causes stress which is more unhealthy than trying any of those habits in the first place.

So what is the best way to approach your health journey?

  1. Understand that it is a journey, and a journey requires patience. There is a beginning, but there is no end. Take pressure off by eliminating any finish line you may have created in your mind, and cultivate a perspective of progress over perfection.
  2. Start with the Basics: drinking more water, eating more vegetables, moving everyday ect… Choose 2 areas, create easy and specific goals and go for it.
  3. Find someone to keep you accountable. This could be a family member, friend or coach.
  4. Cut the guilt when there is a setback. Setbacks happen and that’s okay. It will only ruin your progress if you let it. Just keep going again as soon as you can.
  5. If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, listen to ‘Mini Habits’ by Stephen Guise.

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