In my own young ignorance, I’d fall for the false promises of beauty brand labels attempts to make money off of young girls who want less pimples, more voluminous hair and to never smell bad ever again (thanks to Katy Perry’s Killer Queen perfume I managed that probably 75% of the time).
My skincare regime was filled with spot creams, an exfoliator with little blue balls in it, face wash that smelt like strawberries, make up, hair spray, heads and shoulders shampoo and bubblegum spray deodorant, just to name a few items.
Knowing what I know now, I look back and cringe! My poor disrupted hormones and gut health! But this is what happens when you take a symptomatic healing approach rather than seeking to discover the root – you chase your tail treating symptoms – and often what you treat symptoms with only further causes more symptoms.
Had I known that acne was a sign of poor gut health and imbalanced hormones I would have not spent lots of money on skincare products that never worked in the long term. Had I known that bacteria on the skin is what causes odour I would have ditched the deodorant long ago. Had I known that artificial fragrances, along with a host of other ingredients in mainstream beauty products, contribute to imbalanced hormones and poor gut health, I would have gone natural (although I don’t know if teenage me would have cared so much about health to be honest).
If you haven’t heard it before, here it is: mainstream beauty products are harmful to your wellbeing! My advice is, if you don’t know where the ingredient came from, probably don’t use it. Here is a list of common ingredients to watch out for on this link.
I’ve now simplified my skin care regime, using lots of honey, witch hazel, tea tree oil, castile soap and beef tallow. To exfoliate I use a sea sponge I found at the beach and I don’t often use deodorant anymore (probably because my soaps are all natural) but when I do I have a natural one too!
I’m absolutely loving seeing the rise and influence of natural products on the market today and I’m excited to announce that I will be popping up at Markets here and there with some of those products very soon.

Product #1 Evening Tallow face balm
This product contains beef tallow, calendula and lavender, all having wonderful natural skin benefits. Beef tallow helps restore sensitive and ageing skin, deeply enriches with nutrients and is considered one of the most effective products at healing/managing skin conditions. Calendula also has similar benefits being deeply hydrating and anti-inflammatory. Lavender helps heal acne and insect bites and has the added affect of calming your nervous system right before bed time.

Products #2 Lip and spot balm
This product contains beeswax, coconut oil and raw honey. Beeswax forms a protective barrier on your skin from the environment. Coconut oil is antibacterial and deeply hydrating. Raw honey is also antibacterial and moisturises skin while making it look plumper and more radiant.

Product #3 Essential oil roll-on perfume
This one is called ‘The fragrance of heaven’ using cinnamon, orange and rosemary oil to create a delicious natural scent – what I imagine heaven would smell like.
Product #4 Multi-purpose spray concentrate and bottle

Something you can use to clean surfaces and floors in your home made from Castile soap and eucalyptus oil. This concentrate comes with a bottle and will last for over 15 re-fills. Better for your health and the environment.
I’ve worked hard to make these products affordable for you and I can’t wait for you to try them!